Pcloud webdav
Pcloud webdav

pcloud webdav

Either you supplied the wrong\ncredentials (e.g., bad password), or your\nbrowser doesn’t understand how to supply\nthe credentials required.\n\nApache\/2.4.38 (Debian) Server at Port 443\n\n” (line 1446, wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/addons/webdav.php)Ġ106.817 (0) Failed to check WebDAV server optionsĭo you have any tips for me how to fix this? It worked without any issues last week and I already tried out different settings like different chunk sizes – without success.Setting up Zotero with WebDav across multiple platforms Authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided.) returned when checking WebDAV server options using URL: response: “\n\n401 Unauthorized\n\nUnauthorized\nThis server could not verify that you\nare authorized to access the document\nrequested. Authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided.) (line 1115, wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/addons/webdav.php)Ġ106.440 (0) WebDAV: ERROR: WebDAV: Failed to upload file: backup_-1622_XXX-plugins.zipĠ106.443 (0) WebDAV: upload: attempt: backup_-1622_XXX-uploads.zipĠ106.810 (0) PHP event: code E_USER_NOTICE: 401 (Unauthorized. Trying the connection is succesful and also the upload/connection is working in general as I have files uploaded to my remote storage they are just not completed.Ġ106.437 (0) PHP event: code E_USER_NOTICE: Unexpected HTTP response code: 401 (Unauthorized.

pcloud webdav

The timing of the abort is random on each run. I have the issue that I get random aborts during the upload of the created chunks to my pCloud storage via webdav.

Pcloud webdav